
Insider Tips for First Time Home Buyers – Part 2|5

Ariel Kormendy

Ariel Kormendy

Co-owner of the KT Team and Renti, Ariel Kormendy has been a resident of Milton and Oakville for over 20 years. With a lifelong passion for real estate, Ariel brings a blend of sales expertise and entrepreneurial spirit to the team. An early riser, Ariel enjoys starting his day with a workout and a good coffee. When not working, you’ll find him at the cottage, enjoying summer days by the lake. Ariel’s favourite movie is “Home Alone,” and he loves indulging in a classic pork souvlaki dinner or his grandmother’s traditional schnitzel.

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Thanks for coming back to check out Part 2 of Insider Tips for First Time Homebuyers! Let’s get right into it.


Using the seller’s realtor is kind of like using your ex-spouse’s divorce lawyer to settle your litigation. It’s just not a good idea anytime. Period.  It would also make you wonder; Whose best interest does that realtor really have in mind? Is it the seller’s, who they have the legally binding contract with? Is it you as a buyer? OR, is it their own paycheque?

If you’re planning on buying a house, get out and start the process early. Find a realtor that you’re comfortable working with, and especially one that will represent you and your best interests.  If your Realtor has a house they have listed that you’re interested in, find out if they have a colleague that can assist either you or the seller with the offer process to ensure that there is some degree of separation.

Now you can move on to part three of this series.

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