
Insider Tips for First Time Home Buyers – Part 1|5

Ariel Kormendy

Ariel Kormendy

Co-owner of the KT Team and Renti, Ariel Kormendy has been a resident of Milton and Oakville for over 20 years. With a lifelong passion for real estate, Ariel brings a blend of sales expertise and entrepreneurial spirit to the team. An early riser, Ariel enjoys starting his day with a workout and a good coffee. When not working, you’ll find him at the cottage, enjoying summer days by the lake. Ariel’s favourite movie is “Home Alone,” and he loves indulging in a classic pork souvlaki dinner or his grandmother’s traditional schnitzel.

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Insider Tips. Everyone wants them and we’re here to bring them to you! This is part one of five in our Insider Tips for First Time Home Buyers.


This is a HUGE rookie mistake. The purpose of staging is to make the space look amazing, connect with buyers, hopefully, get them to fall in love with the home and even pay more money for the property. The goal is to try to envision the space without it and look at the property as it actually is. But, don’t forget about your needs and your wants – things like location, room sizes or configuration of the layout for example. Those are all things that may be important to you today and in the future, so don’t overlook them by getting caught up in the pretty things that come with staging.

Sweet, simple and to the point.  Being able to see past the fancy furniture and décor is important; the opposite is too… look past dirty, smelly houses to see the guts of it … this is where you can often score a deal.

Check out PART TWO in this five-part series after you check out the video below.

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