You may be paying more than you need to on your hydro bill. With these three simple tips, you can lower your monthly bill and save money while not making drastic changes to your lifestyle.
Start Spending Less on Your Hydro
Any homeowner can take advantage of the following tips to reduce their hydro bills. With the rising cost of hydro, any break is a good one to save you money each month. Check out some of the tips below and see how you can start saving today!
Change Your Light Bulbs
Regular light bulbs are not very energy efficient, which is why switching to LED bulbs is the first step you should take to save money on your bill. This type of bulb uses less than 75% of the power compared to regular light bulbs. If you swap out all your light bulbs for LED bulbs, you can lower your hydro bill every month.
Swapping your lightbulbs to LED has other benefits as well. In addition to saving you money on your hydro bill, LED bulbs last much longer than regular ones. You don’t have to change them out as frequently, which will save you money trips to the store. As an extra benefit, LEDs don’t give off heat. Regular bulbs can be hazardous because they generate heat, a safety risk for a number of reasons. To replace regular light bulbs, we recommend swapping out burnt out bulbs with LED replacements as time goes on.
Take Advantage Of Off-peak Hours
You may be used to running your dishwasher or doing your laundry at a certain time every day but if you’re willing to make a change, you can save money on your hydro bill. Using electricity during peak hours is more expensive than during off-peak hours. By running large appliances during off-peak hours, you can save money every month. Use your washing machine, dryer, and dishwasher after work or on weekends to see real savings.
Every energy provider has different off-peak hours. Finding out what hours are off-peak for your company is simple. Go to their website and the information should be listed. If not, you can call the company and ask. Then, all you need to do is make a small change to your schedule to start saving money on your monthly bill.
Unplug Your Electronics
Yes, it’s convenient to keep everything plugged in and ready to go. But unplugging your electronics can save you money. Even when a device is turned off, it uses some energy. Think of all the devices that you leave plugged in. You might realize that there’s a lot of wasted energy.
Go to your home and consider what devices you can unplug. Although it might be a little inconvenient, unplug as much as you can. Next month, you’ll be able to see if the savings are worth the extra step you’ll need to take when using your electronics.
Start Saving Today
There are a number of different steps you can take to save money in your house. With these tips, you can save money on your monthly hydro bill, which can quickly add up throughout the year. There are always opportunities for you to reduce your hydro costs.
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