It’s simple, hire a professional!
You’re reading this because you, like 90% of the population, can’t decide which of the 1000 shades of white or 1,000,000 other colours look best with your brown floors and off-white kitchen cabinets, let alone the couch and accessories.
Selecting the right paint colour is an art form; one best left to the eyes of a trained professional. As are out helping clients buy and sell houses on a daily basis, we see first-hand how important paint colour is. The wrong colour makes space feel small and clash with furniture and finishes. The perfect colour makes a buyer fall in love with your home. Many buyers get caught up on silly things like colours that don’t jive with them and something this simple does prevent some of them from seriously considering a property.
Here’s what Sara Bergsma, from Bersma’s Paint and Decor in Milton, has to say:
I am always shocked with the number of people that don’t know colour consulting exists……when it is explained to them you immediately see the weight lifted off their shoulders….sort of like “whew now I don’t have to worry”…… lol! It really should be fun for the client as it’s still the biggest change for the smallest amount of your hard earned dollar, and as for affording it, let me put it quite simply! ….You can’t afford NOT to, the fact is that the price of good quality finishes run anywhere from $70-$90 per gallon with the average home needing 10 -15 gallons, you do the math….much cheaper to hire a professional and not make a mistake, but your time is money too. Leave it to the professionals, they have a trained eye, but they also listen (like a therapist) to your wants and needs. When entering the home we take into consideration the hard finishes, such as tiles, flooring, cabinetry, etc. We work room by room and achieve as much wow or flow that the client wants! The client is left with a timeless portfolio to work from for years to come.
A colour consultation can be completed for a very reasonable cost and if hiring a painter, many will include the service free of charge through their local paint supplier. Also remember, if you’re painting your home for the sole purpose of preparing it for sale, the colour selection may not always be what you would choose, it’s about working with the house and appealing to the masses.
If you’re in the GTA, give Sara at Bergsma’s Paint and Decor a call for more interior design advice.