Welcome to the #KTQuickTips blog, where we give you our tips and advice to buying and selling Real Estate! This is E93 where we review December’s Monthly Checklist!
Yes, we know Christmas is just around the corner, but during the winter months, your home and your family are exposed to more hazards. So, here are a few tips to keep you guys safe this winter.
Start-off by stocking up your emergency kit. Things you should make sure are in there include batteries, flashlight, candles, and a good first-aid kit.
The month of December is a higher risk for fire hazards – With things such as candles, fireplaces, and your Christmas tree. Have a look at your fire extinguisher – Make sure that it’s fully charged, hasn’t expired and is good to go!
Last but not least, with cold weather comes ice and snow – Make sure you are stocked up on sand and de-icer to ensure you can keep your driveway and your walkways free of ice. You want to make sure you’re not using salt though because salt will ruin virtually any surface you put it on!
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