
Quick Fire Question Round

In this episode of KT Confidential we answer questions from the team in our quick-fire round! If you have questions or topics that you’d like us to discuss in an upcoming episode, whether it’s real estate related or otherwise, comment on this podcast to let us know.

Question 1 – Saving tips for first-time buyers?
Question 2 – When is the best time to buy a cottage?
Question 3 – Our thoughts on using smartphones for listing photos
Question 4 – Our thoughts on advertising on a bus
Question 5 – Why do croutons come in air-tight packages?
Question 6 – Our thoughts on doing home inspections on condo apartments
Question 7 – Title insurance
Question 8 – What to look for at an open house
Question 9 – Best tip for first-time home buyer
Question 10 – The National Home Show
Question 11 – The crazy things people look at when buying a house

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