
Divorced Individuals Cash in on RRSPs

Going through a divorce, separation or another type of marital breakdown? The Home Buyer Plan, which allows you to withdraw funds from your RRSP, tax and interest-free, to be repaid in equal instalments over 15 years or less is now available to you! This is an incredible tool to help people in a time of need to have access to some financial assistance to help them get started again.

This was one of a few interesting topics in this week’s KT Confidential. Be sure to follow the show and comment to let us know what’s on your mind!


The Kormendy Trott Team is a top-performing team for Century 21 in Canada. Ariel Kormendy and Adrian Trott founded the team in 2011, quickly achieving the position of 17th highest performing team in the country and then decided to take on the industry by expanding their services from originally being real estate agents in Milton to now having a full-service team of real estate agents, media department and administrative team to keep the business running smoothly and their clients successfully achieving their real estate goals every time.

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